Technology Magazine

Technology magazine covers a wide range of ideas that present an Asian Outlook on Engineering and Technology. As one of the official publications of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Technology is a forum for professional and researchers to share and disseminate their contributions to the technological development of the Asian region.

Energy Efficient Infrastructure

This issue of Technology Magazine explores how innovation and sustainability are key to the future of our built environment. As presented in this issue, energy-efficient practices are essential in moving towards a resilient and sustainable future, and to drive energy efficient infrastructure, innovation in design, and application of advanced and emerging technologies are needed.

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TECHNOLOGY: Shaping Future Civil Engineering Professionals

As the landscape of civil engineering continues to evolve, embracing its dynamic nature, we underscore the vital role of education in bridging the gap between academic knowledge and professional practice. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) envisions a future where civil engineers embody roles as master builders, environmental stewards, innovators, integrators, risk managers, and leaders shaping public policy by 2025. In this issue, our mission is to contribute to this vision by exploring various topics in technologies, skill sets, and knowledge essential for the next generation of civil engineering professionals.

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TECHNOLOGY: Green Business & Circularity Technologies

The latest issue of Technology Magazine is dedicated to the inspiring world of Green Business & Circularity Technology. As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, the importance of sustainability and environmental consciousness has become increasingly evident. In this edition, we delve into the innovative and transformative initiatives that are driving the green business revolution and advancing circularity technology. Within this issue, you will find a diverse range of stories, insights, and expert perspectives that explore the advancements in green business practices. This issue shines a spotlight on the businesses and individuals who are leading the way in implementing sustainable strategies, showcasing their innovative business solutions and services that prioritize the well-being of our planet. Additionally, this issue delves into the exciting world of circularity technology, which is revolutionizing how we consume, produce, and manage waste.

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TECHNOLOGY: Artificial Intelligence: Promises & Challenges

Advanced technologies such as AI are now embedded in various facets of our lives such as; working, learning, communicating, and playing.  Daily, weather we are aware of it or not we encounter advanced technologies which may be just scrolling through our social media or reviewing some industrial processes.  AI has broad implications on individuals, communities, and industries.  The impacts brought by AI need to be understood better, and it is this reason that in the recent years many institutions and stakeholders have come forward to share their interest through research and innovative programs in order to better understand the promises and challenges AI brings to the society.

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TECHNOLOGY: Cities and Infrastructure

This issue brings together ideas, perspectives, and case studies from authors actively involved in applying latest technological and engineering practices in an urban landscape, as well as application of innovative ways of enhancing the skill set of professionals involved in urban infrastructure projects. As you will read through this issue you will find reliable technologies that the authors have shared specific to the application in micro level assessment of conditions of buildings as well as macro level monitoring and assessment of damage and reconstruction of buildings and infrastructure in the city level. Also, the authors have addressed ways through which culture of innovation and creativity could be nurtured as a soft skill among the engineering professionals. Insights in understanding complex urban systems and community awareness systems in order to have a resilient urban environment, climate change adaptation measures for sustainable and resilient urban infrastructure, and non-engineering green infrastructural solutions for sustainability of our water resources are some of the topics that have been covered in this issue.

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TECHNOLOGY: Civil Engineering – Next Decade & Beyond

In this issue we look forward to the next decade and beyond where civil engineers have a key role in future proofing our built environment. The challenges of climate change, urbanization, and natural hazards provide engineers with an opportunity to weave the technology into all the facets of the traditional infrastructure as well as to devise ways in advancing designs that are possible. This issue focuses on some of the technologies and civil engineering processes that may be utilized to ensure that our built environment last and well-maintained for a very long time. Some of the topics covered include natural hazards such as tsunami and earthquakes, change in our working environment, and digital learning tools.

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TECHNOLOGY: Smarter Solutions

In this issue with the theme Smarter Solutions brings an industry and societal perspective to the challenges that we face in building infrastructures, balancing environment and economic growth, and deployment of digital technologies, and the way it can be addressed through research based smarter solutions.

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TECHNOLOGY: Applied Knowledge

In this issue, we focused on the knowledge and expertise of our Institute which is applied to help the industry and make a positive impact on society. Applied knowledge of various thematic areas, such as artificial intelligence, structural engineering, open innovation in software, and environmental engineering are presented in this issue. The magazine also features the 10th anniversary of AIT Solutions, it’s journey from 2010 and how it evolved over the years.

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TECHNOLOGY: Built Environment

In this issue of Technology magazine with the theme Built Environment, we focused on three main attributes of a sustainable and resilient built environment: safety of the infrastructure and people, carbon footprint impact on the environment, and waste management and solutions. The article about climate change and the built environment provides an overview of what can be done to help reduce the impact to our environment. The concept of zero waste is presented to show how through small initiatives a lot can be done by us individuals to support the circular economy. This issue also shares some of the initiatives being done in AIT to support resilient and sustainable built environment, from biogas plant that addresses food waste to the role of structural engineering in developing resilient urban infrastructure.

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TECHNOLOGY: Tall Buildings

This issue of Technology magazine with the theme “Tall Buildings” highlights the importance of Performance-based Design (PBD) in developing safer and resilient vertical cities in this age of hyper urbanization as well as give insight to other challenges associated with tall buildings including the advantages of wind tunnel testing for complex structures. The issue also gives attention to the fourth industrial revolution as it will significantly change the way we live, work, and relate to one another.

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TECHNOLOGY: Collaborative Innovation

This new issue of Technology magazine with the theme [Collaborative Innovation] aims at providing the readers a glimpse into the multifaceted world of innovations and collaborative efforts.The magazine, besides highlighting innovations in various sectors, also provides information on the empowerment that a community can attain through technological innovations.

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TECHNOLOGY: Affordable Housing

This issue of Technology magazine provides overview of research in the provision of affordable housing and prevents several innovatives, articles, and experiences that the community may find great value in.

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TECHNOLOGY: Disaster Resilience

This issue of Technology magazine presents several initiatives, propositions, and experiences from 11 contributors covering the field of disaster resilience from different perspectives such as remote-sensing, water resources engineering, environments, public health, and capacity building.

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This issue focuses on the ongoing global movement on Green Technology covering original research, opinions, and news.

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TECHNOLOGY: The Inaugural Issue

The first issue of the magazine features topics on GIS-based Facility Information Management Systems (FIMS), developing interactive, computer-based learning tools for Civil Engineering students, the integration of environmental sustainability and disaster resilience in building codes and insights on how the Intellectual Property (IP) system could be effectively used as one of the tools to seed and nurture creativity and innovation in students by providing a platform for equitable sharing of knowledge.

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