Phra Phuttha Metta Pracha Thai Trailokkanat Khanthararat Anuson
Location:  Kanchanaburi, Thailand
Height: 32 m
Building function:  Residential
Client: Crown Property Bureau
Services:  Wind tunnel testing and structural design peer review

The Buddha statue is the tallest standing configuration in Thailand. Kanchanaburi Province, where the statue was to be created, is known for active faults, and although no major earthquake has been recorded in the area, it is under strong seismic threat. AIT Solutions in collaboration with experts from structural engineering field of study of AIT provided the services to review the structural design and wind tunnel testing to determine the structural loads. AITS reviewed the design to ensure that the structure has the ability to withstand extreme wind and ground shaking caused by earthquakes. Since the statue is standing pose which has the entire structure standing on two legs, raised serious design and stability challenges.